Monday, December 31, 2012

Where it all begins

So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I figure I'm new to a bunch of stuff this year and in a few hours it'll be a whole new year anyway. This past year has been a crazy wonderful ride. We moved into our house late in 2011 so It was still brand new all this year, my husband got to live with me finally full time after 2 and a half very long years, oh Army I love you. I had a son on September 10 and he is without question the coolest baby ever (maybe I'm a little bias). The new year always brings with it the expectation to start over, make a new start. This year I feel less a need to make a new start as I do to improve myself. So in no particular order my resolutions:

1. Appreciate the little things- I feel like this is easier to do looking back at rather than on a daily basis. I would love to embrace all the moments as they happen.
2. Realize at least one thing I'm thankful for every day- Again, way easier to do looking back, its hard to be thankful when you are emptying the dishwasher, frantically getting out the door to go somewhere and there is a never ending pile of laundry that not only needs to be washed and dried but also folded and put away. 
3. Cook more - I have cookbooks up the wazoo and a new kitchen aid mixer, while dinners out are nice they lose their appeal when you do it every night, not to mention it gets expensive. 
4. Take care of myself -Mentally, emotionally and physically, its hard to be a full well-rounded person when you forget to take care of yourself, and I need to be the best me I can be for my family. 
5. Look at the world through my son's eyes.-  I love when little kids get that "ah-ha" moment and are so excited about everything. I want to relive that excitement and I'm going to try to live through his eyes.

So we'll see how long I keep this up, the blogging and the resolutions. Happy New Year!!


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